From retiring league secretary Ian MacDonald
At long last, attached are the results of all the proposals from the recent Annual General Meeting, a real mixture, some unexciting, you’ll be pleased to know that I will now store all the Commissaire reports for each event, some a bit more interesting.
Click HERE to download Rules proposals and changes (pdf document)
Click HERE to download AGM proposals and comments (pdf document)
The results are all listed as we dealt with them and in red after each one a brief summary and whether it was carried or not. At the end there is an item listed under “Any Other Business”, this is a point in meeting when any subject can be discussed, no voting happens here and as you’ll see there was a few items but most were just to clear up certain things already in place.
There is also a list of all the officer’s roles, some stayed the same and a few have changed including my role as General Secretary.
I have resigned from this role as I felt I have done it long enough and time for someone younger to take over the role, is there anyone in their late 50’s to take over role? :-). You can be younger to do any roles, the Committee at the moment are looking into how this role can be split up into smaller work loads as it was becoming far, far too big for one person, me, to do it. Watch this space.
History was also made at this meeting with the role of Riders Representative being taken up by Helen Pattinson, this is the first time we have ever a female on the Committee, well done Helen and welcome aboard.
As in any local sport there is always a band of volunteers who keep the sport going and when they stop doing it if no-one fills that role everything collapses and it all stops. A good example of this is the Notts and Derby CX League, for years this has been one of the biggest most successful CX leagues in the country. Like us they have had a massive increase in rider numbers at the same time as a decrease in volunteers, things have now come to a point where the league is now suspended and if the volunteers don’t step forward the league will cease to be. There may still be individual events but there will be no back up from a Committee and organisers may not promote races as they are not getting back up they are used to.
I have never in all my time doing CX heard of this happening before and it shows how easily things could fall apart. we’re not in this situation at the moment but do think hard about giving something back to the sport.
I have also attached a copy of current Wessex rules with some things highlighted in red or in bold type , this is for the first few Proposals that were all rule changes and an improvement of overall league prizes.
Ian Mac