We would like you to all join us on Saturday 2nd March in the Monarch Suite at AFC Totton Football Stadium SO40 2RW at 7pm.
Ticket prices are £12 per adult £6 Youth and under this includes a hog roast with curry and rice as the vegan and vegetarian options. Prizes to be presented by Neil of Southdowns Social our league sponsor. Tickets this year will be sold in advance with payment made direct to the leagues bank Acc. Please add your Surname as reference.
Wessex Cyclo Cross Association
Lloyds Bank PLC
Sort Code 30-90-86
Account No. 00888083
Please email Theresa all names attending and your meal choices and the surname on the payment: t4viper@gmail.com
We look forward to celebrating and recognising yet another amazing year for the Wessex CX League.
**Last date to order tickets is Sunday 25th February **
The list of winners for this season can be found here: 2024 Wessex League Award winners