2019 Annual General Meeting Agenda

Friday 26thApril 2019 at 7:00 PM

Room PD 102 in the Product Design BlockPeter Symonds College, Owens Road, Winchester, SO22 6RX


Minutes of the last AGM


Introduction – Pete Hargroves
Secretary – Keith Pitcher
Treasurer  – Kerie Wallace
League Secretary – Kerie Wallace
Press Officer  – Graham Robins

Wessex League Officers

Position                                Current Holder

Chair                                      Pete Hargroves
Vice Chair                              Ian Macdonald
Admin Secretary                    Keith Pitcher
Treasurer                               Kerie Wallace
League Secretary                  Kerie Wallace
Press Officer                          TBC
Commissaire Co-ordinator     Ian Macdonald
Event Co-ordinator                 Andrew Macdonald
Rider’s representative            TBC 
Website Administrator            Alex Forrester
Committee member                Andy Smith
Sponsorship & Promotions     TBC

2019 Committee positions:

Alan Collins has offered to stand as Rider Representative
Seconded: Graham Hollinge

There are still vacancies for the position of:

Press Officer
Sponsorship & Promotions Officer

2019 rule proposals:

1. Proposed by: Wessex Committee:

To designate a new position on the Wessex Cyclo Cross Committee of “U16 Rider Representative”

2Proposed by: Andrew Cracknell  Seconded by: Alex Forrester

“Please put forward my proposal for a staggered/split U14 and U16 start. This is for safety reasons, as the starts are potentially dangerous due to the differences in sizes of the children. The National Trophy series, and most of the other leagues already have staggered starts.”

3. Proposed by: Suzanne Wise     Seconded by: Martyn Dymond

“Previously we have been using average points as a system for gridding which seems not to be a positive for many riders, so I propose a change to the gridding system and use the best three results from the year to aid gridding.”

4. Proposed by: Alan Collins                 Seconded by: Theresa Stubbs

“Rule 20 is changed so that the gridding is done initially on BC requirements, and the previous seasons league position, then on a rolling average of the riders previous 3 rounds, or an average of the riders best 4 results, so that a bad result (say, caused by a mechanical)  is not carried through the whole season.”

5. Proposed by: Christina Gustafson      Seconded by:  David Ridge

“Here is my proposal which has been discussed by the Reading CC organising team. We feel it would help organisers hugely and reduce the workload somewhat in the week leading up to an event. We would be happy to pay a reasonable fee for EventRex to do this work.
EventRex to provide the sign on sheets based on the file that is produced by BC and the data they hold from the Wessex League.Some way of ensuring/checking that people sign up to the Wessex League using the exact same data as that held in the BC system would also be extremely helpful.”

6. Proposed by: Wessex Committee:

We propose to remove the current rider registration system. The Wessex League will supply (at cost) a set of numbers for each organiser. Riders would pick up a new number each round at sign-on (ensuring everyone signs on). Numbers would be allocated according to the the BC number with on the day entries taking the next sequential number.

7. Proposed by: Tim Costello      Seconded by: Richard Cheetham

“The League, if it has a surplus at the end of the year, should donate a sum to a charity registered in England and Wales with the Charity Commission. The sum and the charity to be agreed at the AGM.
Reason: To raise the profile of the League in a positive way.”

8. Proposed by: Tim Costello      Seconded by: Richard Cheetham

“The timing of events in 2019-20 should be reconsidered to provide more even gaps between races.
Reason: There is currently a large time gap before the youth races and much smaller gaps later on. This is encouraging riders from later races to arrive earlier which puts a strain on car parking and the numbers of riders pre-riding the course.”

9. Proposed by: Alan Collins                 Seconded by: Theresa Stubbs

9 a) The Southern Area Champs is not classed as an average point scoring Wessex Round,
9b) If 9a) is not carried, then the World Masters Championships, held on the same weekend, should also be classed as a Wessex Round with average league points being awarded to those riders competing. (For riders competing in both events, only one set of average points are awarded.)

10. Proposed by: Wessex Committee:

Average Points should be awarded at the date of the Area Championships rather than the end of the season so riders know exactly how many points they have towards the end of the season.

11. Proposed by: Alan Collins               Seconded by: Theresa Stubbs

“With reference to Rule 22, the prizes between 7th and 10th, and 11th and 20th league position are adjusted to differentiate the achievements.  (ie sliding scale, not the same amount each.)”

12. Proposed by: Lindy Larkin              Seconded by: Alan Collins

“The Back marker/ Tail end Marshal to be formally adopted by the league and its event organisers, as the method to signify the course is open for practice.”

13. Proposed by: Lindy Larkin              Seconded by: Alan Collins

“A ‘Spirit of Cyclocross’ award is given out at the annual prize presentation, to the person associated with the league that most epitomises the Cyclocross ethos, whether that be a rider, official, pit crew or supporter. Selection can be by either nomination and a public vote, or by committee consideration. The ‘Wessex Wallys’ are willing to ‘sponsor’ such an award by contributing a trophy.

14. Proposed by: Wessex Committee

Medals for U12 riders to be awarded for participation as follows:
Gold medal: Partaking in a number equal or exceeding total Wessex League Events less Events Clashing with National Trophies, less a further three events.
Silver medal: Partaking in 5 rounds.AOB