Prize Presentation

Wessex Cyclo Cross League 2015/2016 Prize Presentation

The annual Prize Presentation evening is being held on Friday 4th March 2016, 19.30hrs, at the AFC Totton Football Club, New Stadium, Salisbury Road, Totton, Southampton, SO40 3ND.

Tickets are available at £10.00 each, £5.00 for U16’s, which includes a buffet meal, there will of course be the usual prize draw and bar.

Places are available from Kerie Wallace,

telephone 07850-172929  or e-mail 

When booking places please can you let me know the full names of everyone in your group.


Prize Winner List for 2015/16

A full list of prize winners for this season can be downloaded  HERE.


Note:  Please could all of last Season’s Trophy holders please return them to Kerie Wallace by the 19th February.

Kerie Wallace, Calmore Cottage, Loperwood Lane, Calmore, Southampton, SO40 2RL.

Please could club colleagues remind any riders who may not have ridden this year that they need to return the Trophies, as a reminder last year’s Trophy winners were –

Wessex Cyclo Cross Trophy’s for 2014 – 2015 Season

Under 12 League

Under 12’s –       1st           Anna Wadsworth              Beeline Bicycles


Youth League

Youth -o/a          1st           Edward Gronbech             Oxford City RT

Women’s League

Women’s -o/a   1st           Tamina Oliver                    Cotswold Veldrijden

Veteran +50 / Women’s League

Overall –              1st           Malcolm Cross                  Hargroves Cycles/Ridley/Trant

Team                    Cotswold Veldrijden

Veteran +40 / Junior’s League

Overall –              1st           Crispin Doyle                     Hargroves Cycles/Ridley/Trant

Junior –                1st           Thomas Sewell                  Cotswold Veldrijden

Team –                 1st           Cotswold Veldrijden

Senior / Under 23 League

Seniors o/a –      1st           Dan Guest                          Performance Cycles

Under 23 –          1st           Joseph Andrew                  Eden Veranda Racing

Team                   1st           Pedalon

Paul Coates Trophy –                     Thomas Sewell

Stephen Coates Trophy –              Graham Rogerson