Sotonia Unclaimed Prizes

Two weeks ago we had the Sotonia Cross event held at Fleming Park, Nr Southampton.

For the Over 16’s EG Seniors, Vets, Junior and Women, Ian MacDonald has your prizes.

Apologies from organiser, Darren Strickland, results etc all took a long time to get right, there’s so many Over 40’s riding and with results were being done by hand these things take time, add in various revisions of results once they were pubished and it all took time.

There are also have a few Youth prizes that were not handed out on day.

Ian has loads of envelopes, there are prizes in the following categories and positions:  (check the results to see if you are in the prizes)

Seniors 1st to 15th place

Vets 40+ 1st to 15th place

Vets 50+ 1st to 15th place

Women 1st to 3rd place

Juniors 1st and 2nd place

Youth – 2nd Under 14 Girl, 3rd Under 14 Boy and 2nd Under 16 girl

Ian will be Commissairing at the Fareham Whs event at Fairthorne Manor, Nr Southampton on Sunday 14th December.

If your not coming to this event but are going to Crabwood event at Southampton Sports Centre on 28th December I can catch you there. If your due a prize but not attending either of these events send me a stamped addressed envelope, add a short message to say who you are and what prize your after and I’ll pop it in the post.

Ian MacDonald 11 Fritham Close, Totton, Southampton, SO40 8FD. email