As you are aware we are again promoting a Round of the Cyclo Cross National Trophy Series on Sunday 18th November 2012, and just about everything is now in place for another successful event.
The one thing we have left to do is gather up all the volunteers for course building on the Saturday and Marshalling on the Sunday, I am looking for about 8 Course Builders and 20 Marshalls.
For the course building on the Saturday, the 17th, we will meet at 09.00hrs at the Cyclo Cross Container, beside the athletics track, we will have it all built in four hours. A small number of us/some different people, will need to meet on the Sunday, the 18th, at 08.00hrs just to check the course out after the previous nights weather/vandals.
For the Marshalling we will be meeting at 09.00 on the Sunday, the 18th, Ian Macdonald will be coordinating this aspect of the day, and the duties will involve looking after the pedestrian crossing points, checking and repairing the course markings if they get damaged and acting as information finders for the Signing On Team/Race Officials.
For the Sunday, lunch will be provided.
If you can help contact Kerie Wallace
Mobile: 07850 172929