At the Wessex AGM we had a Proposal that said we should do away with Pits and having 2nd bikes etc. in Under 12/10/8s races. This was to make it a level playing field for each race. Before we had a chance to discuss and vote on it I received an e-mail from BC HQ to say there was a new rule that Under 12/10/8s will not have pits as from 2018-19 season, so it was decided for us.
I don’t think it should affect us that much as I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I have been asked about spare bikes or pits and have rarely witnessed bike changes happening very few times.
In a nut shell, there will be no pits for U-12/10/8s in their races and no spare bikes or wheels allowed.
This is the relevant rule taken from BC CX Rules:-
10 Equipment Pits
10.1 The equipment pit is that part of the circuit where riders can change wheels or bicycles, or receive mechanical assistance. Servicing and the changing of bicycles will only be allowed in these pits. In races for Under 12s no exchange of equipment is allowed.
10.2 The provision of equipment pits is obligatory in all races except those for under 12s.
[Ian Macdonald]