AGM Agenda and proposals now added, see links below for documents.

Minutes of the 2015 AGM  (in PDF format)

Agenda  for the 2016 AGM  (in PDF format)

Proposals for Rule Changes in 2016  (in PDF format)

A week to go to the Annual General Meeting and the excitement mounts and to ratchet the tension up more I have the great honour of bringing you the Agenda for this years meeting.

You may notice that there are three attachments on this message, they are This years AGM Agenda, last years AGM minutes and a short version of Wessex CX rules, all have a purpose.

The “Agenda” is the order that the meeting will be done at and contains all the Proposals for meeting, if your coming to meeting I would recommend you print this one off, makes things easy to follow when actually there.

The “Wessex Rules” is for at start of Proposals, Wessex CX Committee have put forward some tidy up the rules Proposals in and this attachment has the rules affected on it with proposal afterwards so it will makes sense.

The “2015 AGM minutes” is what it says on tin, the minutes of last years AGM, have a read of this it will give you some idea how all the stuff that came from meeting took shape etc.
You may notice on Agenda attachment under “Election of Officers” that there are three posts that need filling.

Cyclo Cross like most local sports is run completely by volunteers and unless new ones can be found, at some point it could all fold up. We have been running our league with same people for many years now and were not getting any younger and the work load has greatly increased and we need in the words of our Chairman, Graham Hurst, “Lots people doing little is better than few doing more”. Do have a look at what’s needed and ask yourself can I help out, can I put something back into the sport.

My role as Secretary is up for grabs but because of increase in amount of work we are going to split it up into smaller roles, it maybe up to at least 3 or 4 smaller roles, if you are interested you can contact me on macbiking@tiscali.co.uk or Kerie Wallace on cyclingscout@gmail.com and we can give more info, discuss etc.

A weeks notice to decide this is a bit short notice so if no-one comes forward by meeting but you are are interested let us know and we can look into it with you after meeting.

That’ll do for now, hope to see many of you at meeting, if you have any issues with anything on Agenda don’t hesitate to get into contact with me or Kerie.


Wessex Cyclo Cross Annual General Meeting

Wessex Cyclo Cross

is to be held on Friday 15th April 2016 at 19.15hrs

at Room PD 102 in the Product Design Block @ Peter Symonds College, Owens Road, Winchester SO22 6RX

Anyone can attend the meeting but only Private Members and two people from each Affiliated Club can actually vote at meeting.

This is the forum in which changes can happen from you. If you feel something needs changing or have

 any ideas that will improve our local races do put forward a proposal.

Any proposals must have one Proposer and one Seconder

eg:- I propose that all Wessex Committee Members get a new Jaguar car every season

Proposed: John Smith, Seconded: Jane Smith

The Proposer and Seconder must be either a Private Wessex Member or a member of an Affiliated Club.

All proposals must reach Ian Macdonald by Monday 4th April

If you have any queries or seek advice about meeting or proposals contact:

Ian Macdonald at macbiking@tiscali.co.uk or 02380 428468

or Kerie Wallace on

cyclingscout@gmail.com or 07850 172929