Round 10, 3C Cycles, Cancelled

The manager of Gang Warily has requested that this Sundays Wessex Cyclo-Cross is cancelled.

They are concerned by how flooded it already is and the potential damage that will happen if we go ahead, also there the forecast for more rain on Thurs and Friday.

If you have entered online then the organisers are working out with British Cycling how to do refunds.

Please spread the word.

Central League Alternative

The Central League Race on 22nd November is to be held at Dinton Pastures Country Park between Reading and Wokingham. We are expecting many Wessex League riders to attend, however we already have a large entry of Central riders and with a limit of 100 riders for the Senior & Veteran races this could quickly sell out on the day. Due to some concerns regarding the influx of early arrivals creating a parking problem,  we will not be opening the Vets40/Juniors registration until 10am, the Vets50/Senior & Vets Women registration until 11am and the Senior Mens until 12:30. Please help us and do not arrive too early. 

British Cycling Webpage for Central League Round 9


London League Alternative

There is a London League race at Horsham which could be an option for some Wessex League riders.

British Cycling Webpage for London League Round 9


Western League Alternative

The Western League event has moved from Warmley Park, Bristol to Middlemore Park near Burnham-on-Sea.

British Cycling Webpage for  Western League Round 9