New Commissaire Course – FULL

Thank you to all who have stepped forward for possible Commissaire training, all spaces for the course are now allocated.   Our BC Regional Events Officer, Grant Bayton is organising a Commissaire’s course to train people to be a Commissiare for Cross races, he is hoping to have the one day course in either July or August at Marlborough. We already have a good team of Commissaire’s but the more the merrier, Wessex Cyclo Cross will pay your travelling expenses for attending the course, after course you will have to do some Commissairing under the wing of a qualified Commissaire … Continue reading New Commissaire Course – FULL

Youth Training in Oxfordshire

John Scripps, British Cycling development coach, has kindly agreed to lead some Oxfordshire based CX training for youth/junior (14 – 18yrs ) riders. This will be held weekly at Tilsley Park, Abingdon, OX14 1PU at 7pm until 830pm. Starting on Tuesday Oct 1. To supplement John’s session, other Oxfordshire coaches will be available to take younger children (U14) who wish to attend. We have overspill lighting from the athletics track, but you will need basic lights for identification. Further details can be found on the newly set up Oxfordshire Youth Cycling Network website , which is a joint venture website … Continue reading Youth Training in Oxfordshire