AGM Round Up

Following the recent AGM there was much discussion over various ideas to take the Wessex League forward.  Ian Macdonald has provided a summary of the outcomes for the proposals at the AGM.


(1) We propose that the Wessex Prize Fund be increased to the Prize levels as indicated on the attached document.

Reason – We awarded £1,252.00 in Prize Money for the 2012/13 Season, and in the season our accounts have shown a surplus of approximately £900, therefore we can increase the Prize Fund by the £456.00 as detailed.

Proposed: Wessex Cyclo Cross Committee


The new prize list has increases to last season’s prizes and the prizes now go further down the result list. Kerie Wallace will look at the addition of some more prizes in the Women’s category should the expected upturn in riders materialises, so please see attached proposed League prize list.

(2) We propose that a new category of Novice for any Over 16 riders who have never raced before be created. The riders to have a separate race starting two minutes behind the Youth riders. Riders being allowed to have a max of 3 races before they have to ride in their correct category.

Reason: To introduce new riders to cross racing in a shorter more relaxed race rather than being thrown in at deep end.

Proposed: Matt Carey.  Seconded Andy Smith

Carried with minor amendment.

All those present had no objections to this happening and it was carried with an amendment that it will be brought in for next season but it will be up to individual organisers if they adopt for their race. It will be reviewed after season and if successful will become compulsory in the following season.

(3) We propose that all events to be online entry only, other than Under 12, Youth and Novice if above proposal is passed. No Entry on the line.

Reason – Less work on the day for organiser, easier for gridding, easier to work out race budget, better for security without tins with all the entry fees hanging around.

Proposed: Andy Smith Seconded: Claire Smith

Carried with major amendments

A lively debate resulted from this one with the result that is was caried with an amendment. The amendment was that no events would Online entry only, the reason being that some people may not have PC’s, it would stop people making a late decision to ride on the day which has always been an attraction of Cyclo-Cross and that only BC members can use the Online entry system so it had the potential to make our fields smaller. It was finally agreed to allow any organiser to opt for online entries but they would still have to accept entries on the day as well. Organisers would have to set a closing date for online entries so it can be downloaded and put onto signing on sheets etc, this may be a few days before the event or a week before. They could then if they so decide to have one price for advance entries and a slight increase for on the day entries. eg: £10 in advance or £12 on the day.

(4) We propose that all Wessex race meetings should keep an agreed order of races of U-12, Youth, Vet/Jun/Women and Senior.

Reason – Becomes a standard order for all race meetings.

Proposed: Andy Smith Seconded: Claire Smith


This was discussed and it was agreed that the original order was easily understood and to have different categories moved around confused people, also the Vets and Seniors swapping around presented problems for vets who had children racing either Youth or Under 12’s and they had to be at event for the whole day, with a few opting not to ride the later vets race.

(5) We propose the prizes for all Wessex events should be standardised. Reason – Every season some races give out correct amount of prizes under BC rules and others fall short of this.

Proposed: Andy Smith Seconded: Claire Smith

Carried with amendment.

All points about this proposal was discussed with much emphasis on having a standardised prize list, it was decided that it would be hard to bring in as some organisers can get big fields and therefore a bigger race budget and some organisers can get their course for next to nothing and others have paid over £400. This part was dropped and the discussion then concentrated on the wide differences of prizes between races with some being very generous and others not giving back the bare minimum required. There are rules about the amount of prizes to be handed out that roughly works out to 20% of the entries, it was decided that the secretary would emphasize this to organiser when he sends out instructions to them, we will get feedback from Commissaires and riders if it seems this is not being carried out properly.

(6) We propose that instead of riders affiliating as Teams or individuals that riders all affiliate as individuals under their club/team name. As a starting point £3 per rider.

Reason: To level the difference between big teams paying paying £30 and having unlimited riders and smaller teams paying the same and only having 3 riders. This would mean the top rider will pay the same as the lowest placed rider, teams can still pay for all their riders en mass.

Proposed: Andy Smith Seconded: Claire Smith.


This proposal fell at the first hurdle as Kerie Wallace, the league secretary and treasurer said it would really increase his workload in both jobs as he would have hundreds of names to check for points and a massive amount of admin work to get all money and names sorted for the financial side. The proposer was happy to withdraw this proposal.

(7) We propose to tighten up the rules regarding to Organisers and their teams scoring maximum points. For discussion this will be a starting point:

Maximum points will be awarded to –

a. Riders who Organise, Lap Score or Commissaire in any of these positions for a maximum of three events in any one Season will score maximum points as below

Officiate one race = 60* points, to activate them ride and finish two league events.

Officiate two races = 120* points, to activate them ride and finish in four league events

Officiate three races = 180* points, to activate them ride and finish in six league events.

b. Riders who Assist in the Organising of a Race for a maximum of one event in any one Season will score maximum points as below –

Assist at one race = 60* points, to activate them ride and finish two league events.

c. Or some other special circumstances that are agreed upon by the Committee.

* Will be adjusted to maximum points available in the riders particular League

Proposed: Wessex Cyclo Cross Committee

Carried with amendments

This involved a long discussion which ended with most agreeing to an amendment which was that the organiser plus 2 other allocated official eg asssiant organiser and lap scorer would get the full 60 points or if in another category like Youth the maximum for that category. The 2 Commissaires would get 60 points each and from the organising club up to 10 people who have helped out eg course marking, car park duties etc will get 30 points or if from another category half of maximum points.

As with existing rules these points have to be activated by riding and finishing 2 races. If helpers like organisers and officials get points for helping out at other events they still get max points but then have to ride and finish another 2 events to activate them, this is up to a maximum of 3 times.

It was agreed that is was incumbent on the organiser, and it must be done when sending in the race results, that they must inform the League Points Secretary who is eligible for the points, these points would be allocated on the League Table straight away, for gridding at next race, but would be removed should the rider not achieve the required number of completed race finishes.